Extreme trips, 17.900km Transamazonica

Joe Pichler, the man who made this travel alone, in only 100 days, has a lot of previous experience in this kind of «bike trips». The Transamazonica, one of the longest and hardest «roads» from the Atlantic Ocean to the Andes mountains, built by 11.000 workers starting at 1973, traverses Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

Joe Pichlers' KTM on the Transamazonica.

But there is not much left of this great project, the jungle tries to devour the the dirt path, it is only practicable in the dry season.

Alternative transport on the Amazonas river.

If you are interested to know more about this travel, read the book «Amazonas, crossing green hell on bike», in his web. He has also published a very interesting DVD.

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